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MCT Oil 100% Pure Hexane Free Derived from Coconut/Palm oil sustainably sourced
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Pure Unflavored Thermogenic* Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fats that are naturally found in coconut and palm kernel oils. They’re more easily and rapidly digested than other types of fats. MCTs are readily absorbed from the GI tract and are metabolized very quickly by the liver, where they are reported to encourage the use of fat for energy rather than for storage.* Numerous studies suggest that substituting MCT oil for other fats in a healthy diet may therefore help to support healthy weight and body composition.* Natural color variation may occur in this product. Ingredients
Clear Cold and Flu
Clear Cold and Flu™ Homeopathic Formula (60 Capsules)Natural Cold & Flu Relief Clear Cold & Flu™ contains a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to relieve the symptoms associated with the common cold and flu. Results may vary. Benefits and Features of Clear Cold & Flu™ Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of the common cold & flu. Aspirin, gluten, and lactose free Non-habit forming Safe for children at 1/2 the adult dosage Easy-to-swallow Vegi-Caps Applications: Fever Chills Stiffness Aching Sore throat Swollen glands Therapeutic Actions:Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used to relieve the symptoms associated with the common cold and flu. Ingredients Active Ingredients: Byronia, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Gelsemium, Nux Vomica, Rhus ToxInactive Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Ilex Root, Evodia Root, Vitex Herb, Isatis Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Lonicera Flower, Pueraria Root, Tangerine Peel Directions Take 3-4 capsules 3 times daily with 8 ounces of water. Take capsules at the onset of cold or flu symptoms. Continue for 5-7 days. Do not exceed 12 capsules a day.
Clear Sinus and Ear
Clear Sinus & Ear® Homeopathic Formula (60 Capsules)Natural Sinus & Ear Relief Clear Sinus and Ear® contains a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to provide safe and effective relief from symptoms of sinus and ear congestion related conditions. Results may vary. Did you know…Clear Sinus and Ear® is used successfully by pilots, flight attendants, scuba divers, and swimmers?Benefits and Features of Clear Sinus and Ear®: Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used for the temporary relief of nasal congestion, ear discomfort, itching, tenderness, and swimmer's ear Does not contain Ephedra (also known as Ma Huang) Safe for children at 1/2 the adult dosage Vegi-Caps Safe for individuals with heart problems; does not increase heart rate Will not cause drowsiness Free of sugar, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, dairy products and preservatives Excellent for air flight or scuba diving; helps reduce swelling and pressure inside the Eustachian tube during ascent and descent Excellent for driving and climbing in high altitudes; helps relieve annoying sinus pressure and ear popping Great for the competitive and recreational swimmer; can be taken preventatively or when symptoms occur to help reduce moisture related health problems in the ears and sinuses Ingredients Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Pulsatilla 3x, Euphorbium 6x, Hepar Sulphuricum 3x, Calcarea Carbonica 3x Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Peuraria Root, Angelica Root, Peony Root, Magnolia Flower, Platycocon Root, Coix Seed, Ginger Root, Perilla Leaf, Siler Root, Scutelaria Root, Cinnamon Bark, Licorice Root Directions Take 1-2 capsules 3 times per day as needed or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Take with food if mild stomach discomfort occurs. Do not exceed 12 capsules in a 24-hour period.
Clear NRG Plus
Clear N•R•G Plus™ contains a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to assist those who lack energy or focus, have demanding lifestyles, or are chronically fatigued or tired. Additionally, there are adaptogenic qualities which improve immunity, mental alertness and physical performance. Results may vary. The science of homeopathy is over 200 years old and has been widely used in Europe, Asia, and the United States. Homeopathic remedies reflect the primary concept that substances in extremely minute doses actually stimulate and assist the body in healing itself. Applications: Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used to improve mental alertness and energy levels. Lack of energy, fatigue, & lethargy Mental fatigue and lack of interest Athletic formula to increase mental & physical performance For those with demanding life styles Results may vary Ingredients Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Kali Phosphoricum 6x, Phosphoricum Acidum 6x. Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Rhodiola Rosea, Eleuthero Root, American Ginseng, Astragalus Root, Green Tea, Gotu Kola, Tangerine Peel. Directions Take 1-2 capsules every 3-4 hours as needed. Do not exceed 6 capsules in a 24 hour period. For best results do not take 6 hours prior to bed time. For adult use only.
Clear Migraine
Clear Migraine® Homeopathic Formula (60 Capsules) Western medicine's approach to relieving headache pain involves prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, which may bring about a dependency and undesirable side effects. Clear Migraine™ is unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to provide temporary relief from the symptoms associated with migraine headaches—safely and effectively—without side effects or dependency. Results may vary. Did you know… According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS): 45 million people in the United States suffer from chronic headaches. The most common type of headache is migraine. An estimated 28 million Americans suffer annually from migraine headaches. Migraine sufferers lose more than 157 million workdays because of headache pain Directions Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Bryonia 6x, Hypericum 3x, Iris Versicolor 6x, Kali Bichromicum 3x, Natrum Muriaticum 6x, Sanguinaria 3x, Spigellia 6x Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Corydalis Tuber, Angelica Sinensis Root, Ligustici Root, Peony Root, Peuraria Root, Angelica Dahurica Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Gastrodia Tuber, Rehmannia Root, Siler Root, Ginger Root, Lycium Fruit, Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root Ingredients At the onset of a migraine headache, take 3 capsules every 3-4 hours as needed or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Do not exceed 12 capsules in a 24-hour period.
Clear Homeopathic Headache
Clear Headache® is a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to provide temporary relief from the symptoms of common everyday headaches. Results may vary. Did you know…The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes (NINDS)estimates that 45 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic headaches. Benefits and Features of Clear Headache: Aspirin free, non-habit forming, and no side effects Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used to help relieve the symptoms of everyday headaches. Free of sugar, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, dairy products and preservatives Vegi-Caps Does not make you drowsy Find out what others had to say about this product in our testimonials section Ingredients Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Bryonia 6x, Gelsenium 3x, Hypericum 3x, Kali Phosphoricum 3x, Natrum Muriaticum 6x. Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Ligustici Root, Angelica Root, Pueraria Root, Angelica Dahurica Root, Chrysanthemum Flower, Ligustici Rhizome, Notopterygium Root, Scutellaria Root, Vitex Fruit, Mint Herb, Ginger Root, Sesami Seed, Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root. Directions At the onset of a common, everyday headache (and those due to cold or flu), take 2-3 capsules every 3-4 hours as needed or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Take with food if mild stomach discomfort occurs. Do not exceed 12 capsules in a 24-hour period.
Clear Cold Sores, Shingles and U.T.I.'s
Natural Relief From Shingles, Herpes, Cold Sores, Prostatitus, UTI's & Conjunctivitis Clear Cold Sores, Shingles & U.T.I.'s™ contains a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to provide safe and effective relief from the symptoms associated with shingles, cold sores, and urinary tract infections. Results may vary. Did You Know... According to the National Center for Infectious Diseases (C.D.C): Approximately 20% of the population has genital herpes. Approximately 90% of the population has oral herpes (cold sores). Approximately 10% of normal adults over the age of 50 will get shingles. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases indicates: - One woman in five will develop a urinary tract infection (UTI) during her lifetime. Ingredients Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Clematix 6x Iris Versicolor 6x, Nitric Acid 6x, Ranunculus Bulbosus 6x Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts):Gentiana Root, Angelica Sinensis Root, Scutellaria Root, Alismatis Rhizome, Gardenia Fruit, Plantanginis Seed, Rehmannia Root, Ginger Root, Tangerine Peel, Licorice Root Directions Take 2 capsules 3 times per day as needed or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Take with food if mild stomach discomfort occurs. Do not exceed 9 capsules in a 24-hour period
Clear Immune Support
Clear Immune Support™ Homeopathic Formula (60 Capsules) Natural Immune Support Clear Immune Support™ contains a unique homeopathic formula combined with supportive herbal ingredients to help build the immune system. Results may vary. Benefits and Features of Clear Immune Support™ Contains specific homeopathic remedies traditionally used to support the immune system Gluten, and lactose free Non-habit forming Safe for children at 1/2 the adult dosage Easy-to-swallow capsules Vegi-Caps Best taken preventatively Ingredients Active Homeopathic Ingredients:Echinacea Angustifulia 6x, Berberis Aquilfolium 6x Other Ingredients (Herbal Extracts): Astragulus Root, Echinacea Purpurea Herb, Codonopsis Root, Goldenseal Root, Atractylodes Rhizome, Peppermint leaf, Schisandra Fruit, Ginger Root Directions Take 1-2 capsules daily to strengthen the immune system. This formula may be taken on a long term basis. Prior to the cold & flu season, during stressful times, or when traveling dosage can be increased to 2-3 capsules twice daily. Do not exceed 6 capsules per day.
Hydrating Facial Mist - Rose + Calendula *Box not included*
This Aloe hydrating facial mist is a beautiful alchemy of potent farm-grown hydrosols to refresh and nourish your skin. Preps the skin for moisturizers Supports the absorption of nutrients Helps to minimize trans-epidermal water loss Rose benefits: Plumps and hydrates tissue Antibacterial & anti‐inflammatory Great for both oily and dry skin Balances sebum production Helps diminish fine lines, wrinkles, scarring Aromatherapy for uplifting and stimulating the mind promotes positivity, eases anxiety, inspires romance How to use: After cleansing, mist a generous amount of fresh flower water to prime the skin. Follow with our facial drops and moisturizing creme. Reapply anytime to refresh throughout your day. Ingredients: Farm-grown rose petals hydrosol, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Calendula Flowers distillate. 100% Vegan.Vegan | Small batch | Wheat free | Gluten-free | Soy-free | non-GMO 2 oz, recyclable, reusable spray bottle
GABA - PharmaGABA® Fermented Vegan Quick Acting Chewable
GABA (γ-amino butyric acid) is naturally occurring amino acid in our brain. It is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and has been found in several peripheral tissues. It is critical for the normal healthy function of the central nervous system (CNS). GABA levels drop when a person is subjected to stressful conditions. Therefore, supplementation with a safe, clinically proven form of GABA, such as PharmaGABA®, may be beneficial in reestablishing ideal GABA levels. GABA exists naturally in various foods, especially in fermented food products. PharmaGABA® is a natural form of GABA produced with the help of Lactobacillus hilgardii – a beneficial lactic acid bacteria used in the making of the traditional Korean vegetable dish known as kimchi. Clinical studies suggest that PharmaGABA® plays a critical role in helping with daily stress and mood, supporting improved relaxation and calmness, and aiding concentration and mental alertness.† Features 200 mg of PharmaGABA® in each chewable tablet Great Natural Tropical Flavor Contains No sugar, salt, dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, peanuts, soy, fish, shellfish, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors Gluten Free, Non GMO and Vegan Benefits PharmaGABA® has exhibited its helpful effect for people to cope with the stress caused in daily activities or stressful situations. A recent human clinical study using PharmaGABA® has shown a statistically significant reduction of the perceived stress level by more than half.† PharmaGABA® may help fight even extreme stress. One particular study showed PharmaGABA® assisted those with a fear of heights to traverse the highest and longest suspension bridge in Japan. The study also showed that PharmaGABA® prevented stress-induced the immune system weakening.† PharmaGABA® appears to increase the production of alpha brain waves while reducing beta brain waves leading to improved feelings of calmness, but with greater mental clarity and focus.† In a recent GABA’s sleep aid clinical study, PharmaGABA® has shortened sleep latency, the time that takes a person to fall asleep and extended Non-Rem sleep time, the deepest stage of sleep. The increased Non-Rem sleep followed by an ideal sleeping rhythm through PharmaGABA® results in the natural deep-sleep healing process.† There’s another study that suggests PharmaGABA®, when combined with Exercise and Whey Protein, may actually enhance the growth of lean muscle mass.† LABEL
Colloidal Silver 10 PPM, Pure
Tasteless, Safe & Pure. Our Colloidal Silver offers 10 PPM, with purified and distilled water as the only excipient The Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans used silver to support immune function. These ancient cultures learned that silver possessed powerful anti-microbial effects. Phoenicians stored water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling. Hippocrates, the “father of medicine”, wrote that silver had beneficial healing and anti-disease properties, and he praised silver for its tissue repair and wound healing abilities. In the Middle Ages, silver spoons were given by wealthy godparents to babies as baptismal presents, believing that those “born with a silver spoon in their mouths” survived illness and the plague due to silver’s cleansing properties. Silver was one of the few antimicrobial treatments available before the discovery of antibiotic drugs. By the 1930s, Colloidal silver was the preferred choice of physicians for empowering the immune system and supporting the body’s innate healing process. In the mid-1960s, NASA developed a lightweight generator to dispense silver ions into the drinking water aboard Apollo spacecraft to kill bacteria, and in 2015, they approved the use of a silver-based water purification system aboard the International Space Station. Today, silver is experiencing a renaissance as consumers seek out more natural ways to support their health and well-being. Features Tasteless, Safe & Pure. Only Excipient: Purified and Distilled Water. Made in the USA. Free of major food allergens: Contains NO: sugar, dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, peanuts, soy, corn, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors. Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, and VEGAN. Benefits A 2007 study showed Silver can help in healing skin wounds when applied topically.† Silver is used in products for the possible treatment of acne.† Silver is currently used as an aid in conjunctivitis treatment in newborns in many hospitals.† Fairly safe and well-tolerated at 5 mcg/kg of body weight or less.†
Eucalyptus Pure Organic Essential Oil PARVE K-1604
AlchePharma's Organic Eucalyptus Essential oil is 100% pure and Certified Organic by the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. The Organic Eucalyptus leaves are sourced from India. This essential oil is steam distilled from the leaf and purity tested through the following 3 methods. Organoleptics – uses taste, color, and smell as quality markers in raw materials and finished goods. FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) – helps identify chemicals or compounds. GC (gas chromatography) – measures chemical spectrum and potency, and is often used for testing essential oils. LABEL